Can we create our own dedicated indoor facility?

Yes, we can!

We love to play our sport. We love the physical exercise, the friendly competition, the lasting social connections and the fantastic memories!

But sometimes, finding a place to play that fits our schedule, skill level and preferred playing conditions is a challenge.

Imagine having access to a Club where you could reserve court times, play with your preferred skill level or age/gender demographic, and gather in comfortable social areas to mix and mingle with your friends.

We believe that there are plenty of players and enthusiasm to support a purpose-built, pickleball/badminton Club in Anchorage. It should be built by Alaskans, and owned by the people who will use the facility most. The Club members themselves!

Check out the “Our Vision” tab to learn more.

See the links at the top of the page for additional info.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
